Making a Booking

To request a booking, please complete the following form and submit it. The Bookings Secretary will then contact you to complete the booking arrangements.

If you require a repeating booking, please enter the details for the first event, select the option for a repeating event, and tell us when it should repeat - e.g. every week, every second week, third Thursday of the month, etc. We can make detailed adjustments later for term times, public holidays etc.

Hall booking form (#6)

Booking Enquiry Form

Please help us to prepare for your event by telling us as much as you can.
Depending on intended use we may have to pay for additional items which will be included in your hire charge. There may also be a deposit.

Please note that the Village Hall Committee is not responsible for the external facilities, such as the playground, the multi-use games area and the playing field.

Please be sure to fill in all the required fields (indicated by a red asterisk *). If anything is incomplete or missing, it will be highlighted in red when you try to submit the form.

When the form has been successfully submitted you will see a confirmation message straight away, and a confirmation email will be sent to your email address. If you have not received a confirmation email within one hour, please contact the Bookings Secretary to report the problem.
